Remember Pelosi's claim that Fast and Furious investigation is all about Republicans "going after Eric Holder because he is supporting measures to overturn voter suppression initiatives in the states"

"Don't forget they are going after Eric Holder because he is supporting measures to overturn voter suppression initiatives in the states.  This is no accident, it no coincidence, it is a plan on the part of Republicans."
Mark Levin responds to Pelosi's statement.

Mark Levin mentions over 200 Mexicans killed with guns given out by operation Fast and Furious.  It turns out that number might be low.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation": "We've had over 300 Mexican nationals killed directly attributable to this Fast and Furious operation, where they brought those guns into Mexico. A former Marine and a Border Patrol agent by the name of Brian Terry lost his life.  With Watergate you had a second-rate burglary."

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Remember Pelosi's claim that Fast and Furious investigation is all about Republicans "going after Eric Holder because he is supporting measures to overturn voter suppression initiatives in the states"
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