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Chris Matthews (at 6:38): “I don’t want to start too much forest fire here but it is my instinct: is this ethnic Mr. Mayor?”Willie Brown: I think that it has some ethnic flavor to it. It will be interpreted by some in that vein. And yYou have to be very careful in a Democracy that you don't give people the opportunity to make that case factually. And what DI is doing is in fact giving some individuals the opportunity to make that case . . . . Matthews: Well I just do it because it smells like it to me. . . .Matthews isn't the only one making this claim. Al Sharpton has made a similar claim here.
Holder also made the claim to the New York Times: "This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him, both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we're both African-American."
Chris Matthews says criticisms of Holder over "Fast and Furious" are due to racism