As a Sunshine Week gift, The Roanoke Times has placed the entire database, mistakes and all, online at You can search to find out if neighbors, carpool partners, elected officials or anyone else has permission to carry a gun. . . . .
One of the benefits of concealed handguns is that criminals don't know who is going to be able to defend themselves, so even those who have no plans of carrying a concealed handgun benefit from the fact that others do so. Now if a criminal wants to attack someone all a criminal has to do is look up the name of a potential victim and see if they are able to defend themselves. I have one question for Christian Trejbal (the writer of the piece): Does he put a sign up in front of his home reading "This is a gun free home"? Probably not, and for good reason.
Thanks to William Taggart for alerting me to this newspaper article.
Roanoke Times publishing list of Virginia permit holders