I guess that this is some of my research that is considered politically acceptable. This is from part of NANCY FOLBRE's piece today:
A large proportion of all public social spending, ranging from public education to Medicare and Social Security, is devoted to dependent care. Women have long favored such expenditures more than men. Historical research by the economists John Lott and Lawrence Kenny offersconsiderable evidence that the extension of voting rights to women in the United States contributed to the rise of public-sector spending. A more narrowly focused study by Grant Miller shows that newly enfranchised women voted for candidates who supported new public health-care programs that significantly reduced child mortality. Robert Shapiro and Harpreet Mahajan have documented persistent gender differencesin policy preferences and R. Michael Alvarez and Edward J. McCaffery more specific gender differences in fiscal preferences. . . .
From today's New York Times on my research: Women's suffrage