While Gov. Luis Fortuno isn't polished, he comes across as honest and sincere. Being from poor, poverty stricken Puerto Rico would give him an authenticity that few Democrats could match. I don't think that Romney is enough of a risk taker to pick him, but it would be pretty neat. A Hispanic would be awesome. There are basically three others: Rubio and the governors of NV and NM. The governor of NV, while very popular, would cause a revolt among conservatives as he broke his no tax increase pledge. Rubio claims that he isn't interested and he has only been in office for less than two years. The governor of NM is a woman, popular, and dealing with a heavily Democratic legislature so she has strong bipartisan credentials. But she also has only been governor for two years. In many ways, the governor of Puerto Rico would be a good pick, but again I don't see Romney picking him. From The Hill newspaper:
Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno (R) is a sleeper pick for the No. 2 spot on the 2012 presidential ticket, according to GOP strategists. Republican front-runner Mitt Romney has kept his cards close to his chest on vice presidential prospects, saying that it would be “presumptuous” to think about it before winning the nomination. But in a recent interview with Newsmax, he described Fortuno as “a solid conservative and a firm leader.” He also dubbed Fortuno “one of the great leaders of our party.” Republican strategists say that whomever Romney picks, the selection has to resonate with Hispanic voters. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is by far and away the leading Hispanic candidate for Romney, but there are others. They include New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval and Fortuno. In January, Grover Norquist, the influential head of Americans for Tax Reform, said Fortuno would “be a great vice presidential candidate.” . . .
Could Romney really pick Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno (R) as his running mate?