Greta van Susteren nails Gloria Allred

Greta nails Allred, making Allred look like a political opportunist. A copy of the interview is available here.

van Susteren: Gloria, I got to get -- you know I like you, Gloria, but I think this is absolutely unthinkable! Let me tell you what you've done. Three things. One, you're getting your client deported by putting a big neon sign, Hey, I'm here illegally, I signed documents falsely, and I've done that under penalty of perjury, saying that I was -- that this is my Social Security number. That's the first thing.

The second thing is, is I think your inferences from this document, this Social Security document -- I think you got it all wrong. I actually think it helps Meg Whitman and her husband because I think that's the more reasonable inference and you'd get barbecued if you took it to court. And finally, on the eve of an election, to raise something like this, which has the possibility of smearing unfairly, calling someone a liar and subverting the electoral process.

So all three things -- and you know I like you, but I think all three things are rotten. So go ahead. Respond. . . .

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Greta van Susteren nails Gloria Allred
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