Are Democrats losing their cool?: The Kentucky Senate Race and one of the Colorado Congressional Races Barney Frank's boyfriend heckles GOP opponent after a debate. A video can be seen here. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts The Chicago Tribune of all places delivers a strong endorsement of the Republican Gubernatorial Candidate and Smashes the Democrat NomineeTo say that this level of an attack on Democrats by the Chicago Tribune is shocking is an understatement. This hasn't Media bias in Alaska Senate RaceGOP Senate candidate Joe Miller is smart and actually understands the constitution. Yet, the attacks on him have been In 2005, Colorado Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Hickenlooper talked about the "backwards thinking" in Rural ColoradoAt 2:03 into the video: "Colorado and Wyoming are very similar. We have some of the same you know backwards thinking i"Skipping Cell Phones Skews Polls to GOP"I think that I already assumed that this was the case, but it is useful to have in confirmed. Still a five percentage Did Michelle Obama Break Law by Campaigning in Polling Place?I assume that virtually everyone knows that it is agains the law to campaign in a polling place. Anyone who has voted Democrats are raising the bar to evaluate the election resultsDemocrats are claiming that they should face a loss of 45 seats in the House based on regression using the president's Are Democrats losing their cool?: The Kentucky Senate Race and one of the Colorado Congressional Races 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar