New Op-ed on Alito's Confirmation Process

From my new op-ed in today's Washington Times:

Could a single word in a 1985 job application letter generate a filibusteragainst Supreme Court nominee Judge Samuel Alito? Sen. Joseph Biden, Delaware Democrat, seems to think so. Mr. Biden warned on "Meet the Press" last Sunday that "then clearly, clearly, you'll find a lot of people, including me, willing to do whatever they can to keep him off the court." It was a matter that concerned him much more than Judge Alito's views on abortion or racial quotas.

If Mr. Biden carries through on his threat, it might result in the opposite of what he intends: Instead of embarrassing Judge Alito, such questioning may actually show Americans how much the Supreme Court has made up its own laws. . . .

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New Op-ed on Alito's Confirmation Process
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