Senate passes on chance to vote on Obama's tax plan

The Senate has previously voted down President Obama's tax proposals. Given that, it isn't surprising that Senate Democrats want to put off consideration of that again. From the WSJ:
“My recommendation is we give the president what he asked for,” Mr. McConnell said. “He wants to have a vote on raising taxes on individuals making over $250,000…That’s a vote we welcome.” Mr. Reid called this an obstructionist stunt, saying that he would be happy to debate the tax issue once the small business jobs bill is done. “The American people should see this,” Mr. Reid said. “Again, again, and again and again—scores of times during the last 18 months—we’re engaged in a filibuster…why shouldn’t we pass the bill that’s before the body today?” This led to a heated back-and-forth between the two leaders. Mr. McConnell professed surprise that Democratic leaders would not vote on Mr. Obama’s proposal. “I’m a little surprised that we’re not willing to give the president what he asked for,” Mr. McConnell said. . . .

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Senate passes on chance to vote on Obama's tax plan
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