"Mechanics of President Obama's Proposal to Raise Taxes on the 'Rich'"

TaxProf has a nice collection of links on Obama's tax the rich proposals available here.

Possibly one of the more interesting points that he links to is from the Tax Foundation:

The president and his economic team tend to dismiss the impact that such as tax hike will have on business activity because only 2 or 3 percent of taxpayers with business income are taxed at the highest rates.

While this statistic is true, the more economically meaningful statistic is how much overall business income will be taxed at the highest rates. For example, Treasury data for 2007 indicates that 50 percent of all pass-through income is earned by taxpayers subject to the top two tax brackets of 33 percent and 35 percent. . . .

No matter how you cut the data, the fact is that hiking the top individual income tax rates would amount to one of the largest single tax increases on individually owned businesses in modern history and a threat to the long-term economic health of the nation.

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"Mechanics of President Obama's Proposal to Raise Taxes on the 'Rich'"
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