Australian Swimming Team Better Prepared for Games than the USA

Australian Swimming Team Better Prepared for Games than the USA

The Australian Swim team is heading into next month’s Olympics better prepared than the US team says Effortless Swimming’s Brenton Ford.

Melbourne, Victoria (PRWEB) July 23, 2012
Australia’s Olympic swimming team is determined to knock the American’s off their perch with a longer preparation on their side ahead of this month's London Games.
The Australian swim team competed at their Olympic trials over three months before the Americans held theirs earlier this month, giving the Australian’s enough time to taper and go through an extra phase of training before the Games.
 Next London Olympics 2012 : Australian Swimming Team Better Prepared for Games than the USA

Effortless Swimming’s Brenton Ford explained in a recent video update to Swimprove members that the US team couldn’t taper for their trials because it would have compromised their Olympic preparation. This has given the Australian’s the advantage of a longer adjustment period.
“The Australian swim team is poised for dream run at this year’s Olympics because of their earlier date for Olympic trials in March,” Brenton explains.“This allowed them a full taper and an extra training phase leading into the Olympics.”
“Historically Australia has had better results at the Games when you look at their entry times and the times they've swum at the meet,” he said.
The Australians have left nothing to chance, attending a series of training camps even before the US team was selected.
The extra time has given the team the opportunity to replicate some of the good things they did in March, as well as improving on others.
Brenton says this kind of preparation isn’t just for elite athletes.Swimmers can make simple adjustments to their own technique to improve their efficiency between competitions and training sessions too.
“Day-to-day triathletes and swimmers can make fast improvements with the right workouts and technique,” Brenton says.“If they prepare in advance for their main race of the season with a program like Swimprove, they give themselves a huge advantage over their competitors.”
Swimmers can improve their times by working on body awareness shown through the Swimprove program, and like the Australian team, by leaving no stone unturned in their preparation.

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Australian Swimming Team Better Prepared for Games than the USA
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