When is the Obama campaign going to realize that this is a dead horse and get off it? From Politico:
President Bill Clinton veered sharply off message Thursday, telling CNN that Mitt Romney's business record at Bain Capital was "sterling." "
I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say 'This is bad work. This is good work,'" Clinton said. "The man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."
Clinton also went on to say that Romney's time at Bain Capital represented a "good business career."
The Obama campaign is in the third week of an all-out assault on Romney's time as a corporate buyout specialist — accusing the GOP nominee of bankrupting companies and laying off workers all while pocketing a profit for himself and investors. . . .
But the negative tenor of their attacks on an influential segment of Wall Street have made some Democrats uncomfortable. . . .
Now even Bill Clinton acknowledges Romney's "sterling" business record