MLive Media Group does an important investigation into data problems with justifiable homicide data

I have long been concerned about the problems with the FBI's justifiable homicide data, so it is nice to see John Barnes at MLive Media Group do a careful investigation of this data.  
Officially, there were 117 justifiable homicides involving civilians in Michigan from 2000 to 2010. Another 95 were killed by police, according to the statistics.
One reason those numbers are low is simple, MLive’s investigation found.
Police are reporting the cases as criminal homicides. When it’s later determined to be justifiable, they don’t change the easy-to-recode electronic records. It’s as simple as changing a “1” to a “4.”
That was the case in Kalamazoo County, where FBI statistics show only one justifiable homicide between 2000 and 2010. There were eight, three by civilians and five by police, MLive found.
“It’s all a data-input problem,” Kalamazoo Public Safety Chief Jeff Hadley said. “What happens is when the initial reports are generated, it’s coded as a homicide. It never gets recoded.” . . .
See also this piece from Monday. 

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MLive Media Group does an important investigation into data problems with justifiable homicide data
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