Mole helps Rep. Issa whack Justice Dept.
Fast & Furious amnesia hits Attorney General Eric Holder during House testimony
Fast & Furious amnesia hits Attorney General Eric Holder during House testimony
. . . Holder sidestepped questions by GOP Rep. Darrell Issa about whether he or other Justice Department officials had even started to pull together Fast and Furious documents requested in an October 2011 subpoena Issa sent the agency.
“Nothing has come from your department, not a shred of paper,” Issa said tersely during a House Judiciary Committee meeting.
Issa, R-Calif., is a member of the committee. He also is the chairman of the chamber’s Committee on Oversight and Government Affairs, from which he issued the subpoena. The requests were largely related to an ill-conceived and executed Fast and Furious tactic known as “gunwalking,” which has been linked to the 2010 death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent. “You are not a good witness,” Issa said in frustration, after Holder essentially repeated his questions. . . .
Fast & Furious mess