Remember all the promises about the 2010 health care law being budget neutral? Now people are talking about how much the Supreme Court decision to strike down the health care law could save a lot of money. From Politico:
Congress could stumble into a big pile of cash from an unlikely source: the Supreme Court.The justices will deliver their landmark ruling on the 2010 health care law this month, and the government is in line to reap hundreds of billions of dollars in savings — perhaps more than $1 trillion — if certain parts of it are struck down. That money could be freed up just in time for a battle over whether automatic cuts to the Pentagon and social programs will kick in, and some members of Congress are already dreaming about the possibilities. “We’re thinking [about] different options, but there are so many variations of what could happen from the court decision, it’s hard to make any hard plans,” said House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (R-Ky.). But, he added, a windfall “would be a factor” in discussions about whether to keep in place pending Pentagon cuts. . . .
Could the Supreme Court save a $1 trillion at a stroke?