One would think that a give away to the oil industry would increase their profits and thus increase their incentive to produce oil and thus lower price, but according to Democrats that isn't how things work. From Roll Call:
. . . The legislation is a “monstrosity,” a “Trojan horse,” an “all-out assault” on the environment and a “massive giveaway” to the oil industry that would not lower gas prices by “one cent,” the two lawmakers said.But while the criticisms were aimed squarely at the GOP, the words might also sting for a small group of Democrats who voted for the bills of which the energy package is comprised. . . .
In every case, the bills received some Democratic votes, and one bill was reported via unanimous consent.
In the Energy and Commerce panel, Democratic Reps. Mike Ross(Ark.), Jim Matheson (Utah) and John Barrow (Ga.) voted for several of the bills. During consideration of H.R. 4880, one of the bills that came before Energy and Commerce, an amendment of Waxman’s was adopted by voice vote.
In the Natural Resources panel, Democratic Reps. Peter DeFazio (Ore.), Dan Boren (Okla.) and Jim Costa (Calif.) voted for some of the bills.
H.R. 2752, included in the package, was reported out of Natural Resources by unanimous consent. . . .
. . . Waxman said “a couple of Democrats who may have voted for these bills does not make it bipartisan legislation. These are Republican partisan proposals advanced by the Republican leadership.”
Continuing his response, Waxman upped the ante, saying Republicans are “getting away — literally — with murder” because of their record on the environment.
“Some of these pollutants do harm, and they may even lead to fatalities,” Waxman said. . . .
Congressional Democrat accuses Republicans of "murder"