Harvard won't say who the Native American Indian Faculty member is

Harvard claims that they have one American Indian faculty member, but they won't say who it is.  What is the point of that?  Isn't the point of having minority appointments so that students can use them as guidance?  Back in 1996 the Harvard Law School pointed to Warren as their American Indian professor.  An article in the Harvard Crimson made a not of her as such.  From the Boston Herald:

Harvard Law School lists one lone Native American faculty member on its latest diversity census report — but school officials and campaign aides for Elizabeth Warren refused to say yesterday whether it refers to the Democratic Senate candidate. . . .
Harvard Law’s 2011 diversity report does not indicate who the Native American professor is. And the school refused to say whether it’s Warren. . . . .
So what impact is all this having on the campaign?  Again from the Boston Herald:
Elizabeth Warren’s stumbling efforts to douse the firestorm surrounding her claims of being a Native American minority have raised concerns among local and national Democrats who are questioning her campaign’s competence.
“There’s nobody watching this that doesn’t think she’s in big trouble,” one well-known Massachusetts Democrat said. . . . Some national political experts had much stronger words for Warren’s conflicting explanations about why she listed herself as a minority in university directories.
“This takes her biography into a bizarre dimension,” said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. “It has derailed the effort to define Warren in a voter-friendly way.”
Sabato also said that Warren’s claim that she didn’t list herself as a minority to gain an employment advantage is not believable
“This is what happens when candidates don’t tell the truth,” he said. “It’s pretty obvious she was using (the minority listing) for career advancement.” . . . .

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Harvard won't say who the Native American Indian Faculty member is
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