Fiscal Times piece discussing "Debacle"

Edward Morrissey has this piece in today's Fiscal Times:
For months, the Obama administration has told American voters that the nation had turned the corner on a stagnant recovery. Job creation picked up in December, January, and February, averaging a decent if unspectacular 217,000 jobs added monthly during that period. . . .
In their book Debacle, John Lott and Grover Norquist compare the Obama recovery to that of the 1982 recovery under Ronald Reagan.  The double-dip 1980-81 recession was longer and produced higher unemployment than that of the so-called Great Recession, and it followed a decade of stagnation, “stagflation,” high interest rates, ill-considered wage and price controls, and energy shocks.  Yet in the 29 months that followed the 1982 recovery, the American economy expanded jobs by 8 percent.  In contrast, the Obama recovery in the same period only grew jobs in the US by 0.25 percent: . . .
I was interviewed on Ed's show yesterday (see starting at 1:01 into show).

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Fiscal Times piece discussing "Debacle"
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