Continued debate over "Stand Your Ground" Laws

A new poll in Florida shows that Floridians support Stand Your Ground laws by a 50 to 32 percent majority.  Meanwhile Trayvon Martin's mom, Sybrina Fulton, has launched a new attack on these laws:
In the video, released Friday by the Second Chance on Shoot First campaign, Sybrina Fulton urges viewers to send Mother's Day cards to governors nationwide, particularly in the 26 states that have passed "Stand Your Ground" laws, urging them to "re-examine" the legislation. . . .
If someone could help me find something, I would appreciate it.  I thought I just saw a statement from the Martin Family's lawyer saying that Stand Your Ground wasn't relevant to the case.  It would be nice to have the link to that statement. Thanks.

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Continued debate over "Stand Your Ground" Laws
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