Verdict in Ben Goeser murder case

The horrible murder case has pretty much come to a close. It is unfortunate that Hank Wise, the murderer, didn't get life in prison, but my guess is that the judge did take the insanity claims into account to some degree. I know that Nikki is very disappointed with the 2nd degree murder penalty, but at least this is behind everyone. Hopefully a strong outpouring by Ben Goeser's friends at the victim impact statements will convince the judge to give him the 25 year maximum, but that seems second order to the fact that a guilty verdict was finally entered. From Fox Nashville:
A judge rules Hank Wise is guilty of murdering a man inside Jonny's Sports Bar in South Nashville. Judge Seth Norman rejected Wise's claim that he was insane at the time of the crime. Hank Wise shows little emotion as he is found guilty of 2nd degree murder. It has been three years since he killed karaoke host Ben Goeser inside Jonny's sports bar. Prosecutors and Goeser's family were hoping for a first degree murder conviction. "To me he should spend the rest of his life in jail," says Nikki Goeser. Nikki Goeser says her husband died violently and needlessly. She knows Wise will only spend 15 to 25 years in prison, and she worries about him getting out. "I don't want to have to deal with this man out free among us in society," says Nikki Goeser. . . .

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Verdict in Ben Goeser murder case
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