UK Daily Mail: "Obama has held more re-election fundraisers than previous five Presidents combined"

In addition to the fundraising, Obama's permanent campaign has largely been on the taxpayer dime, with his constant visits to swing states.  From the UK Daily Mail:
Barack Obama has already held more re-election fundraising events than every elected president since Richard Nixon combined, according to figures to be published in a new book.Obama is also the only president in the past 35 years to visit every electoral battleground state in his first year of office. . . .
Obama had held 104 fundraisers by March 6th this year, compared to 94 held by Presidents Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Snr, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush combined.Since then, Obama has held another 20 fundraisers, bringing his total to 124. Carter held four re-election fundraisers in the 1980 campaign, Reagan zero in 1984, Bush Snr 19 in 1992, Clinton 14 in 1996 and Bush Jnr 57 in 2004. . . .  
In their first years in office, Carter visited eight out of 18 battleground states and Reagan seven out of 17. Bush Snr, Clinton and Bush Jnr all visited around three-quarters of battleground states while Obama went to all 15 within his first 12 months. . . .

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UK Daily Mail: "Obama has held more re-election fundraisers than previous five Presidents combined"
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