Talks during coming days

The first four talks will be on gun control issues.
San Francisco Federalist Society, Lawyers Chapter, April 17, 2012, 4 Embarcadero Center, 17th Floor. People arrive at 5:45 pm and things get started with the program at 6:15.

University of Santa Clara Law School, April 18, noon to 1:15 PM

Sacramento State University, April 18, 7 PM, contact

Cal State University Fresno, April 19, 1 PM, 
contact Neil O'Brien, Vice President
Young Americans for Liberty- CSU Fresno Chapter
P.O. Box 2187
Clovis Ca, 93613

On April 20th, Alan Stock is putting on a book signing for me for "Debacle" and some of my other books from 4pm-6pm at Mundo in downtown Las Vegas.  It should be a lot of fun.

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Talks during coming days
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