The crowd was well over 125 people (I stopped counting at 125 and I hadn't gotten to a lot of the audience). Some news coverage of my talk in Fresno:
Posted: Apr 19, 2012 11:31 PM PDTUpdated: Apr 19, 2012 11:31 PM PDTBy Monty Torres - emailFRESNO, Calif. (KMPH) -
More guns less crime?
The author of a controversial book by that title laid out his findings in Fresno Thursday.
John Lott spoke before a sizable crowd at Fresno State, Thursday.
In researching his book, "More Guns Less Crime," Lott says he analyzed crime data for every county in the United States between 1977 and 2005.
What he found, he says, is that gun bans don't work, but gun ownership does.
"Can they name one place in the world where we've had a gun ban and murder rates have gone down? I can't find such a place. Every place that's had a gun ban has seen murder rates go up at least some and most quite a bit.
Lott also says American burglars spend twice as long as British burglars casing a house before breaking in because, they say, they're afraid of getting shot. . . .
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