Source inside DOJ leaking info to Congressional Investigative committees on Fast and Furious

More on the big fish that got let go in the Fast and Furious scandal as well as other aspects of the scandal. From Fox News:

. . . Also this week, two damaging documents became public. One, a ATF ROI (Report of Investigation) from May 2010 shows that Manuel Celis-Acosta, ringleader of the illegal gun buyers, was stopped at a border checkpoint in Arizona with 74 rounds of ammunition, but ATF agents released him.
On Thursday, Congressman Darrell Issa and Grassley released a list of ROI’s that show ATF agents had evidence Acosta was trafficking weapons and one of his buyers, Uriel Patino, was lying on federal forms, but neither was arrested.
Late Friday, Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Ron Weich warned Issa, “We are deeply disturbed that the sensitive law enforcement information…has entered the public realm.”
He said it is impeding the DOJ’s prosecution of current criminal cases arising from Fast and Furious.
A Congressional spokesperson for Issa made no apologies, saying the documents being leaked to the committee “are precisely what the Justice Department is hiding and what congressional investigators are seeking – basic information about who knew what when about Fast and Furious.”

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Source inside DOJ leaking info to Congressional Investigative committees on Fast and Furious
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