Did Stimulus dollars go to states with lower per capita incomes? (Recovery.gov February 17, 2009, and December 31, 2011) More of a discussion is available in my book Debacle. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Obama again lectures EU to ease up on austerityWell our stimulus has worked so well. Obama is aligning himself with the new French Socialist president on increaFor only the fifth time in 33 years weekly wages have fallen over the last yearThe BLS finds that weekly wages dropped over the year by 1.7 percent to $955 in the fourth quarter of 2011 from a high Another Solyndra? This time with up to $2.1 billion at stakeFrom the Washington Examiner: Solar Trust for America received $2.1 billion in conditional loan guarantees from the DFiscal Times piece discussing "Debacle"Edward Morrissey has this piece in today's Fiscal Times:For months, the Obama administration has told American voters t83% of voters think the US is still in a recessionFrom Fox News:One reason the president’s job approval suffers: 83 percent of voters think the country is still in a rec"Economists less optimistic as early 2012 gains wither"Another summer of recovery lost. From Fox News: Economists say the sales and profit gains of early this year are disa Did Stimulus dollars go to states with lower per capita incomes? (Recovery.gov February 17, 2009, and December 31, 2011) 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar