This looks to get worse before things improve. If it were me, I would immediately release Zimmerman's medical records, but I understand that Zimmerman's lawyer is more worried about the legal case than about the PR aspect of things. From the Orlando Sentinel:
If George Zimmerman is not arrested in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin soon, theRev. Al Sharpton will call for an escalation in peaceful civil disobedience and economic sanctions. . . .
The civil rights activist and syndicated television show host said he will elaborate on this plan Saturday.
"I will speak about how the National Action Network will move to the next level if Zimmerman isn't arrested," Sharpton said, who founded the organization. He added that it was the Martin family and lawyers who first asked him to get involved and nationalize this story.
The Rev. Jesse Jacksonis also expected to participate in the event. . . .
Sharpton said the recent revelations only underscores the need for an immediate arrest and trial.
"Whether he [Zimmerman] had a swollen or broken nose, neither one means he had to take a 9mm and kill someone," he said. "It's not about saying Zimmerman is innocent or guilty, this is about whether there was probable cause to arrest him." . . .
The tragic shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman has rightly generated tremendous outrage across the nation. Unfortunately, an untold number of additional families across America have experienced the same heartbreak as a result of concealed carry killers armed by state laws that allow people to carry loaded, concealed handguns in public.A more complete response is available in my book More Guns, Less Crime (the third edition is available for only $5), but I also have a response available here.
Zimmerman is only one example of concealed handgun permit holders who have needlessly taken lives, destroyed families, and shaken communities. New data from theViolence Policy Center as part of its ongoing Concealed Carry Killers project shows that concealed carry killers have claimed at least 402 victims since May 2007 . . . .
I am extremely disappointed how many conservatives have added to this call. Some of these statements have been made during just the last few days. The amazing thing is that all these statements seem to have been made without actually even reading the police report.
Mona Charen -- "It certainly appears that Zimmerman used excessive violence." March 30
Rich Lowry (or see this at 11:50 (for full segment) and 16:15 (for Lowry comments) into the video (the video available here can't even describe the Florida law correctly Dated March 25)
Robert VerBruggen
Heather Mac Donald
Gregory Kane
Dr. Keith Ablow has this on another aspect of the story.
Al Sharpton calls for escalating Civil disobedience if Zimmerman remains free