Only three states will still have a one gun a month law

South Carolina repealed its one-gun-a-month law in 2004. My research in More Guns, Less Crime didn't find any harm from this. The same fears are being stoked for Virginia's new legislation, but it also will soon be forgotten. From Reuters:

The state Senate voted 21-19 to amend Virginia law to eliminate the prohibition that was enacted in 1993 in an effort to curb gun-smuggling operations.

The vote confirmed a version of the measure passed by the House of Delegates in a 66-32 vote earlier this month, and now sends it to Republican Governor Bob McDonnell's desk.

Governor spokesman Jeff Caldwell told Reuters that McDonnell plans to sign the bill into law.

The one-a-month limit on handgun purchases was enacted by former Democratic Governor Douglas Wilder at a time when Virginia had the reputation as a state where gunrunners could arrange to purchase a volume of weapons to sell on the streets of cities such New York. . . .

Lawmakers who favor lifting the limit said doing so will bring Virginia into line with the majority of states. California, Maryland and New Jersey are the only others with such handgun purchasing limits, Republican Senator Charles Carrico Sr said during an earlier debate. . . .

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Only three states will still have a one gun a month law
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