Massachusetts college considers banning permitted concealed handguns on campus

Up until now the carrying of permitted concealed handguns has been allowed and there hasn't been a problem.

Quincy College’s governing board will consider a policy that would ban everyone other than police officers from carrying a gun on campus, regardless of whether they have a permit.
College President Peter Tsaffaras said the policy was drafted as part of a safety and security review, and that it would give the college grounds to remove someone with a gun from the campus.
“We receive anecdotal evidence sometimes that we have students who are coming to school armed,” Tsaffaras said. “They’re not hostile and threatening, but they’re armed nonetheless. And we want to have a policy in place to deal with it.”
The policy was unanimously approved Tuesday night by the governing board’s personnel and programs committee. The full board of governors will vote on it next month, by which time language covering other concealed weapons like knives and Mace may be incorporated.
Tsaffaras said the the college will hire a campus safety and security consultant who will advise the board as it considers the policy.
The draft policy approved Tuesday states that no person “shall have on their person or in their possession a firearm, loaded or unloaded, operable or inoperable, while on any property, including but not limited to, buildings and parking areas, occupied or used by Quincy College.” . . .

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Massachusetts college considers banning permitted concealed handguns on campus
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