"900 Dead People Voted In SC"

So Democrats claim that there is no evidence of vote fraud? Try this story from WYFF TV Channel 4 in Greenville, SC (January 11, 2012):

South Carolina’s attorney general is asking for an investigation into possible voter fraud in the state.
On Wednesday, Attorney General Alan Wilson asked State Law Enforcement Division Chief Mark Keel to review evidence of potential voter fraud in the state.
Wilson said the evidence of fraud was uncovered by Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles Kevin Shwedo during an extensive review of data related to the state's new voter identification law.
"Director Shwedo's research has revealed evidence that over 900 deceased people appear to have 'voted' in recent elections in South Carolina," said Wilson. "This is an alarming number, and clearly necessitates an investigation into potential criminal activity. I have asked SLED Chief Keel to review Director Shwedo's research." . . .

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