Remember when Obama touted the success of the Stimulus

It seems like so long ago, but way back in 2009 Obama claimed that the Stimulus was working.

President Obama offered a laudatory assessment Wednesday night of his early days in office, suggesting the worst of the economic crisis has passed and Americans have regained some of their old confidence.

Speaking to a well-heeled audience of campaign donors in Beverly Hills, Obama was strikingly upbeat and assured. He said he would stack his first four months in office against any president going back as far as Franklin D. Roosevelt. . . .

Now look at what Obama claims two-and-a-half years later:

"We didn't create the condition. We haven't solved it fully yet because it was three decades in the making," President Obama said about the economy in an interview with WVEC-TV. . . .

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Remember when Obama touted the success of the Stimulus
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