New Report says that LightSquared Network Could Block GPS Devices

The Obama administration has been accused of putting pressure on the military to drop their opposition to LightSquared. The military was told to say that there wasn't really much to be concerned about. A new report puts the lie to that belief. George Soros and other wealth Democrats are said to be big investors in LightSquared. From the WSJ:

New government tests show wireless start-up LightSquared's network could knock out a "great majority" of GPS devices, according to a congressional aide who has seen a draft government report on the tests.
Preliminary data from recent government and industry tests of LightSquared's network suggest that the start-up hasn't solved concerns that its network would knock out a large number of personal or military GPS devices, the report said, according to the aide.
LightSquared, a startup funded largely by hedge fund Harbinger Capital Partners, wants to build a national wireless broadband network and offer wholesale Internet access to companies including Leap Wireless International Inc. and Best Buy Co.
LightSquared's airwaves are close to those used by GPS devices. After government tests this summer showed LightSquared's network would knock out a large number of aviation, commercial and consumer GPS devices, the company said it would only use the frequencies that are farthest away from the GPS signals. . . .

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New Report says that LightSquared Network Could Block GPS Devices
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