Can Plymouth State University in New Hampshire ban permitted concealed handguns?

A hearing in New Hampshire court will decide it.

A temporary restraining order that would prohibit weapons on the Plymouth State University campus remains in effect following a court hearing Tuesday on whether they can be banned.

The order was made last Thursday, the day before two men planned to bring loaded firearms to the campus in protest of a policy that bans deadly weapons. Through a statement issued last week on, former Epping police officer Bradley Jardis of Dover and Tommy Mozingo of Manchester announced their action to carry “unconcealed, loaded, slung rifles” in protest of what they say is an illegal ban.

On Tuesday, attorneys for PSU and Jardis and Mozingo argued the restraining order in Grafton County Superior Court. At the conclusion of the 45-minute hearing, Judge Timothy Vaughn took the arguments under advisement and set a Jan. 3 court date for both sides to further argue the constitutional issues in the case. With no ruling, the restraining order remains in effect. . . .

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Can Plymouth State University in New Hampshire ban permitted concealed handguns?
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