Art Laffer endorses Newt Gingrich

If you liked George W. Bush on taxes, vote for Romney, who has basically recycled Bush's team of economic advisors. If you want to make America competitive on taxes, Laffer is right about Newt. From today's WSJ's Political Diary:

Newt Gingrich, who has been sliding in the polls in the run-up to the Iowa caucuses next week, won an enthusiastic endorsement Thursday from iconic supply-side economist Arthur Laffer.

"I think if Newt is president, you are going to see economic growth beyond what you have ever seen," said Mr. Laffer during a campaign appearance with the former House speaker in Storm Lake, Iowa. Mr. Laffer, an adviser to President Reagan, said that Mr. Gingrich understands "Reagan economics . . . the economics we did in the 1980s."

"This man does understand, fundamentally and deeply, that if you tax people who work, and you pay people who don't work, don't be surprised if you find a lot of people not working," said Mr. Laffer. "I have never heard of a poor person spending himself or herself to prosperity. It doesn't work." . . .

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Art Laffer endorses Newt Gingrich
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