Judge with death threat advised by police to get a concealed handgun permit

So what do the police recommend you do when you receive a threat? From The Columbian newspaper:

A reported death threat has prompted a Clark County judge to exercise his second amendment rights.

Following the alleged threat more than two weeks ago, Clark County Superior Court Judge John Wulle has started carrying a concealed .380-caliber Walther PPK most places he goes — except the courtroom. Wulle secures the gun in a locked box when he gets to work, though he still has the holster on his hip under his clothes during the day.

The judge took the precaution on the recommendation of several deputies, he said. Wulle also consulted Clark County Sheriff Garry Lucas, who told him that if he wanted to carry a gun, he should obtain a concealed weapons permit. The judge already owned a gun and said he’s trained to use it.

”All the people in security told me I should. I’ve received these threats before, and I was concerned for my family,” Wulle said Thursday.

The alleged threat came Oct. 31, when Vancouver police Sgt. Mike Davis was investigating a domestic violence harassment report and telephoned the woman who made the report. During the conversation, the woman’s male friend — who has no connection to the domestic violence report — made a threat against the judge over the phone, said Vancouver Police Department spokeswoman Kim Kapp. . . .

Thanks to Ken Mott for sending me the link.

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Judge with death threat advised by police to get a concealed handgun permit
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