Concealed carry debate in the House of Representatives today The final vote in the House was 272 to 154, with 43 Democrats voting for the bill. A Fox News article is available here. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Michigan moves to get rid of gun-free zones for concealed carryConcealed carry permit holders are currently allowed to openly carry their guns in "gun-free zones," so these gun-free Maryland District Judge says that restrictive concealed handgun ban violates Second AmendmentFrom Fox News:Maryland residents do not have to provide a "good and substantial reason" to legally own a handgun, a fedMatt Richtel: "New Fashion Wrinkle: Stylishly Hiding the Gun"Matt Richtel has an interesting article in the New York Times on how with so many people having concealed carry permitsCourts gradually cracking down on Los Angeles' refusal to grant concealed handgun permitsThe City of Los Angeles, in particular, has a notorious reputation for denying and rejecting licenses to carry concealeBlue Bloods - Women With GunsTom Selleck's show "Blue Bloods" has a woman carrying a permitted concealed handgun. At 38:30 into the show Selleck's New paper published in the University of Maryland Law Review examining research on concealed carryMy newest paper entitled "WHAT A BALANCING TEST WILL SHOW FOR RIGHT-TO-CARRY LAWS" is available here. The paper s Concealed carry debate in the House of Representatives today 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar