Real Clear Politics: Obama uses "Occupy Wall Street" Language in Weekly Address Real Clear Politics frames it this way: "Obama Uses Occupy Lingo In Weekly Address To Nation" abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Some notes on the Financial Regulation BIllA marked up copy of the about 2,000 page bill is here.Some aspects of the bill are here:Lawmakers agreed to a provisionRegulation is out of control in the USFrom The Economist magazine:A Florida law requires vending-machine labels to urge the public to file a report if the la"Beijing is caught in 'trap' over dollar"It is interesting to me what a small portion of the total US debt that is held by China. In any case, China does have Are Democrats trying to stop people from owning gold?Seeking Alpha believes that they are.Just as the government is trying to prevent people from investing in anything otheHas the Federal Government learned anything from the Mortgage Crisis? NoVirtually no down payment? Where have we heard that before? How quickly do you think that these mortgages can go unde"Dems push Fannie, Freddie regulator on mortgage write-downs"Do Democrats have any idea what these types of policies will have on new loans being made? If you can have a loan you Real Clear Politics: Obama uses "Occupy Wall Street" Language in Weekly Address 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar