How bad are retail sales? Original graphs are available here. The data for Retail Sales are available here. Monthly population data are available here. The CPI data are available here. abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Are Mark Thoma and Justin Wolfers willing to do anything for politics?Andrew Sullivan is easily deceived by a figure that is being disseminated by Mr. Wolfers and Mr. Thoma. The problem wi"$9 Billion in ‘Stimulus’ for Solar, Wind Projects Made 910 Final Jobs -- $9.8 Million Per Job"?CNSNews has this report:The Obama administration distributed $9 billion in economic “stimulus” funds to solar and wind Merrill Lynch predicts 2Q GDP at horrid 1.1% annual rateCalculated Risk has this from Merrill Lynch: Today’s weak retail sales report leaves Q2 GDP tracking a meager 1.1%. WePrediction: France's economy will worsen relative to the rest of the EUWith Krugman and other Democrats claiming that austerity policies have been the problem in Europe, we will soon have a For fourth year the deficit will exceed $1 trillionSo much for Obama's promise to cut government spending and the deficit. From the Washington Post:The federal budget deDemocrat Majority Leader Harry Reid says that private sector is doing fineUh? The private sector is doing fine relative to the public sector? Senator Reid should look at the graph above (the How bad are retail sales? 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar