It is amusing to see Democrats who so strongly support donation limits being the ones asking for exemptions. This all stems from the Kinde Durkee fraud case. If they waste money on campaign activities, should they also be given exemptions there also? From Reuters:
While the extent of the losses isn't yet clear, the coffers of dozens of Democratic politicians have been frozen, prompting the crippled campaigns to ask the California Fair Political Practices Commission to permit further donations from contributors who have already given the maximum.
Feinstein, seeking re-election in 2012, has been forced to start from "square one" to raise campaign money, said Bill Carrick, political strategist and consultant to the Senator.
But a commission official said it wasn't that simple.
"It's quite clear that we can't just say 'the contribution limit is set aside'," California Fair Political Practices Commission chair Ann Ravel said, adding that the commission's legal team was researching what options were permissible by law. . . .
Democrats want to be granted exemptions from maximum campaign donation law