Some Wisconsin Cities act to ban people carrying permitted concealed handguns in government buildings

It doesn't sound as if it is a stampede of cities doing this, and I assume after a few years people will realize that putting up these signs in the relatively small number of public buildings for these cities will have been a waste of money. From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Hartford considered a prohibition, but the Washington County municipality rejected it even though department heads had urged elected officials to continue the city's more than 50-year-old prohibition against having weapons on public property.

"Why would we preclude law-abiding citizens from being able to carry?" said Hartford Common Council President Tim Michalak, who did not want to restrict people's rights when the concealed carry law takes effect Nov. 1.

"A sign in front of a building is not going to stop the bad guys from walking into the building with a handgun. All it does is make sure that those people who are law-abiding don't have a handgun. . . . What it does is it assures the bad guys that the only people who are going to have guns in the buildings are bad guys. That to me is rather ridiculous," Michalak said. . . .

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Some Wisconsin Cities act to ban people carrying permitted concealed handguns in government buildings
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