Even Playboy Playmates Have Concealed Handgun Permits

Mistakes happen sometime with permit holders carrying their guns into gun-free zones. One can only hope that there is a rational attempt to deal with intent in these cases. From Fox News:

A Playboy playmate was charged with firearm offenses after attempting to board a plane in Florida with a loaded handgun in her bag, the Orlando Sentinel reported Wednesday.

Shanna Marie McLaughlin, Playboy's Miss July 2010, was arrested around 6:35pm Monday at Orlando International Airport as she attempted to board a plane to Los Angeles.

The 26-year-old, who has a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon, told police that the bag she was carrying was hers, but that she did not know that her boyfriend had put his loaded .45 caliber Colt revolver in it.

The model was jailed Monday on charges of carrying a firearm in a place prohibited by law, but has since been released, the Sentinel reported. . . .

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Even Playboy Playmates Have Concealed Handgun Permits
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