Detroit Free Press reporter does some reporting and takes about Violence Policy Center claims on crimes by Concealed Permit Holders

Part 2 of the Detroit Free Press series on Michigan's concealed handgun law after 10 years has just come out and is available here. Dawson Bell has this very useful discussion on the Violence Policy Center's report on concealed handguns supposedly being used to kill people.

Concealed carry licensees "routinely" kill cops, perpetrate mass murders and other gun homicides, writes VPC. The center counted 308 "Private Citizens Killed By Concealed Carry Killer" since 2007. A lot of them -- 78 -- were Michiganders.

A closer look at VPC's data doesn't necessarily confirm a CCW crime nightmare scenario. The overwhelming majority of Michigan victims the center cites (62) were licensees who committed suicide. Michigan's concealed weapons law requires the State Police to report annually on deaths by suicide of license holders.

But the reports contain no information about how the licensee died or whether a firearm was involved.

Several other "victims" in the VPC report appear to have been criminals themselves, shot attempting to rob legally armed citizens. But with 276,000 concealed pistol license holders, even the unscrubbed VPC numbers hardly establish evidence of a crime wave. . . .

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Detroit Free Press reporter does some reporting and takes about Violence Policy Center claims on crimes by Concealed Permit Holders
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