WH Salaries soaring

Obama administration paying WH staff a lot more than Bush administration.

One-hundred-forty-one people are paid more than a $100,000 per year in the Obama White House, according to the 2011 White House salary report released Friday. Another 201 people on the staff of 454 have compensation ranging from $50,000 to $100,000.
That’s a jump from the final year of President George W. Bush’s administration when 130 people received more than $100,000, and 137 people were paid between $50,000 and $100,000. . . .
In Bush’s 2008 White House salary report, the two lowest-paid of 447 staffers struggled home with $33,400 per year. Another 100 people paid less than $40,000, out of total payroll of $33,193,021. (GOP senator says Obama ‘phoning it in’)
Obama’s White House is more generous with the taxpayer’s money. Not counting three unpaid employees, no one on Obama’s staff is paid less than $40,000. The two lowest-paid staffers take home $41,000.

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WH Salaries soaring
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