The bill to scrap the registry will finally pass this fall. The only real question is whether the NDP will allow some of its members to vote for the bill.
The Conservative government will introduce legislation in the fall to scrap the long-gun registry, this time using its parliamentary majority to back it up.
The vote will be an early test of unity for Canada's new official Opposition - the NDP - which wrangled with internal disagreement over the contentious issue when it was voted on as a private member's bill in 2010. . . .
Six NDP MPs broke with their party and voted with the government to scrap the registry because NDP leader Jack Layton allowed his caucus to vote their conscience by not "whipping" the vote, or compelling them to vote according to the party line. . . .
support for gun control is higher in Quebec than in any other province . . .
"Now that their caucus is so overwhelmingly populated by Quebec members, I tend to think this will decide the issue for them," Hicks said. . . .
"Tories to scrap long-gun registry this fall"