Majority of Americans Against Raising Debt Ceiling

Given the massive misinformation campaign, it is a wonder that there are this many opposing raising the debt ceiling limit. A new poll from Fox News. For some reason, Obama thinks voters are misinformed on this issue, though he will selectively cite polls to support his other positions.

Voters were asked to imagine being a lawmaker in Congress who had to cast an up-or-down vote on raising the debt ceiling. The poll found 35 percent would vote in favor of increasing the limit, while 60 percent would vote against it.
Most Tea Partiers (81 percent), Republicans (76 percent) and independents (63 percent) would vote against raising the limit. Views among Democrats are more evenly divided: 50 percent would raise it and 44 percent wouldn’t.
Even though a majority opposes raising the debt limit, more voters think it would be worse for the country if leaders fail to raise the limit and don’t pay some of the country’s bills (50 percent) than to raise the limit and borrow more money (40 percent). . . .
A 63-percent majority of voters thinks raising taxes during an economic downturn is a bad idea. That’s down from a high of 80 percent who thought so two years ago (August 2009). . . .

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Majority of Americans Against Raising Debt Ceiling
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