After the 2008 election there was an article (I believe in Wired magazine) about how one of the top people at Facebook worked very closely with the Obama campaign to help them raise money. Now there is a similar story about Google. All this might ultimately just show how impossible it is to regulate campaign finance money.
Note also how facebook is hiring former Clinton White House spokesman Joe Lockhart.
Google denied Wednesday that it gave President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign special access to a new advertising program, something a sales representative from the search and advertising giant had claimed in an email to customers.
The new ad program would charge clients for every email address (or other piece of user data) they collect. The program is attractive to campaigns eager for that information, so when a staffer at the National Republican Senatorial Committee saw what appeared to be an Obama ad built on this technology on the RealClearPolitics website last month, she emailed a Google sales rep to ask about creating a similar ad campaign for Republicans.
The saleswoman, Sirene Abou-Chakra, replied by suggesting that Obama had a special deal.
“This is a pre-alpha product that is being released to a select few clients,” she wrote in an email, referring to the first stage of a product’s roll-out. “I’d be happy to get you into the beta if you’re interested.”
A similar email went out to at least one other Republican digital media firm, a Republican source said.
“It certainly raises some red flags that the Obama campaign appears to have been given special access to a new online advertising product,” said NRSC communications director Brian Walsh in response to an inquiry from POLITICO. . . .
Note also how facebook is hiring former Clinton White House spokesman Joe Lockhart.
There are many ways that people can make donations to a political campaign