Despite the fears about what might happen, there are no reports of any problems occurring.
Tennessee's so-called "guns in bars" law is almost a year old. It took two years, two vetoes by the governor and two legislative overrides, not to mention a couple of court cases before it took effect. . . .
"People might get drunk and start shooting," Richard McDowell said.
"Altercations can break out and they can go shoot somebody so I wouldn't go," Charles Thomas said. . . .
So what happened?
In fact, the Knox County Sheriff's Office reports that out of 61 calls in the last year from businesses that serve alcohol, none of them involved a gun.
"This law hasn't changed your job at all. Not a bit," said Knox County Sheriff's Assistant Chief Deputy Rich Wilson.
But that's still not enough to convince some gun opponents the new law is okay.
"I'm glad to hear that and I'm glad to hear that gun owners with permits are responsible, but guns make me nervous anywhere they are and I would like to see less guns not more in any place that I am sitting in," said Ruth Horton.
"I don't think anyone should be able to carry a gun, with or without a permit, in a bar," said Kevin Connatser.
Gretchen Millsaps said, "It could be a potential for a dangerous situation in some event. It could be awful."
Tennessee Guns in Bars one year later