Obama doesn't know what year it is?

Even the media can't ignore this. Note however how the stories all attempt to give an explanation for why Obama made this mistake. My impression is that if Dan Quayle had made this mistake, it would have been heavily covered. It is also interesting how Obama uses the European, rather than American, way of writing dates. The Washington Post has this:

On a tour of Westminster Abbey in London, President Obama signed the guestbook, writing, “It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice.”

Then, he goofed. He added “24 May 2008.” It’s not clear if he was having more fun on May 24, 2011, that he had three years ago on the same date, when he was in Puerto Rico for one of the last Democratic primaries . . .

CBS News has this:

President Obama slipped up when he signed the guest book at Westminster Abbey in London today.

Perhaps reminiscing over more exciting times for him, the president mistakenly wrote the date as "24 May 2008."

Above the date, Mr. Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wrote, "It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice."

A Westminster Abbey spokesperson confirmed it was indeed Mr. Obama who wrote the wrong date, the Telegraph reports. . . . .

From ABC News:

Headline: Possibly Jet-Lagged President Obama Gets Year Wrong
Text: "It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage and common sacrifice,” President Obama wrote in the guest book at Westminster Abbey, where he today placed a wreath at the grave of the unknown warrior.

The president also wrote the date to commemorate his trip: 24 May 2008.



A White House official suggested the president’s jet-lag may be the reason why he got the date so wrong. . . .

From Politico, the only place that didn't give a strong push towards an explanation for the mistake:

He got it right in Ireland, even signing the Dublin presidential guest book European-style rather than American: “23-05-2011.”

But President Obama seemed to have a quick lapse in memory on Tuesday when he signed the guest book at Westminster Abbey in London “24 May 2008.”

In addition to their signatures and the wrong date, the president and first lady wrote, “It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice.”

Could the president be longing for the good old days? . . .

Obama mistakenly gives toast to Queen during UK national anthem. Everyone but Obama is honoring the UK national anthem. It seems to dawn on him after a minute that he has his timing off.

Of course, there are other awkward moments with President Obama.

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Obama doesn't know what year it is?
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