Here is an interview that I did a couple of years ago on Coast-to-Coast AM, George is always a lot of fun to talk to abudzar Google Facebook Twitter More Pinterest Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Related Posts Texas Unemployment MiracleWatch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.comAppearance on Aug. 23, 2011 at 12:35 PM.Interview on Sun TV in Canada on MYTHS OF GUN CRIMEEzra Levant on Canada's Sun TV: did gun control fail Norway?Appearing on The Jim Bohannon Show at 10 PM EDT tonightIt will be fun to be on Jim Bohannon's Show tonight.Appearance on Fox News Live: Myths About Debt Ceiling ‘Disaster’Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.comDebating Dennis Hennigan on Southern California's Public Radio KPCCI will be debating the Brady Campaign's Hennigan at 1 PM EDT on KPCC on the new Obama gun control regulations. The arc Here is an interview that I did a couple of years ago on Coast-to-Coast AM, George is always a lot of fun to talk to 4/ 5 Oleh abudzar