Despite more than 2-to-1 vote, Illinois still couldn't pass right-to-carry law

From the Associated Press:

It would have allowed people to carry guns if they were properly registered and had completed eight hours of training, including target practice. Applicants would have needed to pass a background check and a review of their mental health history.
The vote was 65-32, giving the measure a solid majority. But it needed 71 votes to pass, a standard requirement for legislation that restricts local communities' regulatory power.
Conservative Democrats have watched as the Legislature approved several liberal measures, including legalizing civil unions and abolishing the death penalty. They had hoped legislative leaders would help legalize concealed carry as a way of shoring up Democrats outside the Chicago area.
"Downstate needs something to hang their hat on," Rep. Brandon Phelps, D-Harrisburg, said earlier this week. "We haven't got anything. This is one thing we ask." . . .

Personally, it would have been useful to let those parts of the state carry concealed handguns that wanted to carry and then deal with making the law uniform once the concerns about right-to-carry laws. Doing that would mean that the legislature would only need a two thirds vote to overcome Gov. Quinn's threatened veto.

Thanks to Tony Troglio for the link.

On the other hand, Wisconsin is getting closer to passing the bill.

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Despite more than 2-to-1 vote, Illinois still couldn't pass right-to-carry law
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