Total pick ups so far for Prosser
Winnebago 244
Waukesha 200
Milwaukee 12
Total 456 at 5:58 PM EDT
Apparently the AP missed some votes in its total. Note that Winnebago is a very closely divided county that was originally divided 52% for Prosser and 48% for Kloppenburg.
Now information is coming in from Waukesha County. Note that Waukesha is a heavily Republican county that was originally divided 73% for Prosser and 27% for Kloppenburg. This county change seems believable since otherwise it would have made what was an extremely reliable Ward go Democratic.
The Milwaukee changes seems to have come about from an observant freelance journalist.
Winnebago 244
Waukesha 200
Milwaukee 12
Total 456 at 5:58 PM EDT
UPDATE: NRO reports that the entire City of Brookfield was left out of the totals for heavily Republican Waukesha County. If so, that would give Prosser a net pick up of 7,381 votes. Placing the vote safely in Prosser's column. Note that Waukesha County is a heavily Republican county originally giving Prosser 73% of the vote and 27% for Kloppenburg. There is no evidence that the city of Brookfield had been included in the original results, but that it had simply been left out of the original totals. It isn't like 10,000 ballots simply being discovered uncounted after all the other votes have been turned in (think Seattle). Still a careful investigation should take place. Democrats are screaming:Kloppenburg supporters reacted with alarm, pointing out that Nickolaus had worked in the Assembly Republican caucus during the time that Prosser, a former Republican lawmaker, served as the Assembly speaker and that Nickolaus also had faced questions about her handling of elections as clerk.
"Wisconsin voters as well as the Kloppenburg (campaign) deserve a full explanation of how and why these 14,000 votes from an entire city were missed. To that end, we will be filing open records requests for all relevant documentation related to the reporting of election results in Waukesha County, as well as to the discovery and reporting of the errors announced by the county," Kloppenburg campaign manager Melissa Mulliken said in a statement.
Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) raised the possibility of an independent investigation over the recovery of the votes. . . .
The Daily Kos has figured out that the Republican conspiracy needed to make up exactly 7,500 votes to prevent a recount.In WI, an automatic recount at state-expense is triggered if an election is within .5%, and we have a fully verifiable paper trail to audit election results. That means in this election with approximately 740k for Kloppenburg and 739k for Prosser, the vote gets recounted at state-expense if the election is within ~7400 votes.
So the last 2 days the WI-GOP has been scrambling trying to figure out how they can still get Prosser into office. What was the result of their brain-storming? Add a few extra votes in a friendly area (Waukesha), and call it a clerical error. But in order to steal the election, they NEED to be able to keep a recount from occurring, because a recount would expose their attempted fraud to the light of day. . . .
It is NOT a coincidence that Prosser didn't get +300 votes or +1000, it had to be +7500 or more in order for the fraud to work. +7400 just wouldn't have been enough. . . .
Apparently the AP missed some votes in its total. Note that Winnebago is a very closely divided county that was originally divided 52% for Prosser and 48% for Kloppenburg.
The latest vote count in the state Supreme Court race in Winnebago County indicates incumbent David Prosser is leading Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg in votes.
A tally compiled by The Associated Press Wednesday and used by news organizations statewide, including the Journal Sentinel, indicated Kloppenburg was leading the race by 204 votes. Figures on Winnebago County's website are now different from those collected by the AP.
Winnebago County's numbers say Prosser received 20,701 votes to Kloppenburg's 18,887. The AP has 19,991 for Prosser to Kloppenburg's 18,421.
The new numbers would give Prosser 244 more votes, or a 40-vote lead statewide.
An editor at the AP said the news service became aware of the discrepancy in the past hour. The AP last checked figures with Winnebago County at 10:14 a.m. Wednesday, according to the AP. The county adjusted its figures at 2:27 p.m. . . .
Now information is coming in from Waukesha County. Note that Waukesha is a heavily Republican county that was originally divided 73% for Prosser and 27% for Kloppenburg. This county change seems believable since otherwise it would have made what was an extremely reliable Ward go Democratic.
Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus is expected to have an announcement shortly about the outcome of voting in Waukesha County.
The county's board of canvassers just met. It was earlier reported that David Prosser picked up 200 votes in New Berlin after a clerical error was discovered, according to Pat Karcher, a member of the board of canvassers in Waukesha County. Karcher spoke during a break in the canvassers meeting. The error occurred in Ward 12, where a vote for Prosser was reported as 37 but the tape revealed 237 votes for Prosser.
The Milwaukee changes seems to have come about from an observant freelance journalist.
Prosser picks up 12 votes in Milwaukee.
e-mail print By Larry Sandler of the Journal Sentinel
April 7, 2011 4:26 p.m. |(20) COMMENTS
State Supreme Court Justice David Prosser picked up a net 12 votes in Milwaukee from revised results released Thursday.
The city Election Commission said election-night totals were incorrectly reported for two far south side wards. In Wards 223 and 225, both of which voted at the city's Anderson water tower building, 4001 S. 6th St., the election-night totals included only absentee ballots, not votes actually cast on election day, the commission said in a news release.
Revised totals for the Supreme Court race added 439 votes for Prosser and 427 votes for his opponent, Assistant Attorney JoAnne Kloppenburg. Although that would ordinarily be a small change in a statewide race, any change is potentially significant when the race is this close.
Kloppenburg ended the initial count 204 votes ahead of Prosser. But the lead is shifting to the incumbent as municipalities and counties double-check their counts through the canvassing process. And once that process ends, either side could ask for a full-scale recount.
The city was in the canvassing process when freelance journalist Michael Horne pointed out the discrepancy in the two wards' vote counts, the commission said. . .
UPDATE: About 8,000 votes found for David Prosser in canvassing of Wisconsin Supreme Court race